Saturday, July 10, 2010


I did two 2.5 hr days back to back on Wed/Thur so when it came time to do my TT workout Fri nite my legs were already feeling kinda fatigued. (I guess I went harder Thur than I thought I did.) So, I moved my 2x5km TT session to this morning.


Conditions: 25C Feels like 35C/Overcast/25km steady headwind on first effort/Start time: 9:15 a.m./Course: Rolling course

Effort 1 - 5km - 41.08km/hr / Avg Watts - 334 / Time 7:14 / Avg Cadence: 84
Effort 2 - 5km - 39.46km/hr / Avg Watts - 313 / Time 7:34 / Avg Cadence: 86

Eventhough there was a tailwind with the second effort I was slower. Felt a higher than normal level of fatigue + the humidity is at 83%. Speed on one hill, at 2km mark, I dropped below 30km/hr. Wasn't happy about that.

Haven't spent any time standing on the PC's yet but, being a former bodybuilder, when I climb out of the saddle I feel like I'm standing a 4x8 sheet of plywood up into the wind. (probably not that bad but I am a lot wider than most cyclists thru the shoulders and with much larger lats)

I may have to stand on race day and if it turns out that I am faster with the PC's than without, I will have to perfect my standing effort in the next 6 weeks.

Next results on Tue.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Back on the CRANKS

I haven't been using my power cranks for the last couple months since race season began. My lab testing though indicated a huge improvement in VO2 max from April to June test. VO2 increased from 58 to 67. Last nite I started my TT specific training for the Nova Scotia Provincials on Aug 22. I am using the power cranks in each session and a Chris Carmichael TT program from his first training book.

Tue/Fri workouts

Wk 1 - 2x5km w/10min recovery between efforts
Wk 2 - 2x7.5km w/10 min recovery
Wk 3 - 2x10km w/10 min recovery
Wk 4 - 2x10km w/5 min recovery
Wk 5 - 2x15km w/5 min recovery
Wk 6 - 2x20km w/5 min recovery
Wk 7 - Tue - 1x7.5 / Sun - Prov ITT

I will be substituting my final lab test for the Wk 7 Training session.

The first session went excellent. As I mentioned I haven't been using the cranks for about 10 weeks I guess but they felt really great. I shortened the length to 167.5 after reading some of the latest info on the PC website. I am currently 176lbs, using a Cervelo P4 with Easton Aero wheels equipped with a SLC+ Powertap unit. I was given a 3hr bike fit with the purchase and am not set-up in a overly aggressive position as my hams are tight and need some flexibility training.

First session data

Conditions: 22 degrees / overcast / no wind / 6:15 p.m. start / A-B rolling course - Bishopville

5km #1 - Avg Speed - 41.8km/hr / Avg Watts - 343 / Time: 7:08
5km #2 - Avg Speed - 40.8km/hr / Avg Watts - 334 / Time: 7:23 (a bit more uphill on return)

I would have easily broken 7:00 min on the first attempt but couldn't get into my 11 cog. I think its a limit screw issue.

I will continue to update twice a week for the duration of the program, shorten the cranks next Tue as well for the same course, and finish up with posting my final lab results on Aug 17th.

I am using the 40k Prov ITT course for my Fri session. By Wk 6 I will be completing the entire out and back with a 5 min recovery in between 20km efforts.

Keep the rubber side down
